Stop Smoking with Acupuncture

Among current U.S. adult smokers, 70% report that they want to quit smoking and millions try to quit every year. If you have attempted to quit smoking, you know how difficult it can be. Nicotine is a powerful addiction. In fact, research suggests that nicotine is as...

5 Steps to a Healthy Heart with Acupuncture

February is the American Heart Association’s Heart Health Awareness Month, emphasizing the dangers of heart disease and the importance of heart health. Heart disease includes conditions affecting the heart, such as coronary heart disease, heart attacks,...

Acupuncture Point for Mental Clarity

Feeling a little foggy? Having trouble concentrating? Massage the acupuncture point, Du 20 for some mental clarity. Du 20 is located on the top of the head, midway between the ears. It is used to clear the mind and improve focus. Stimulate the point with your index...