Summer Colds, Flu, Allergies Lingering

This summer heatwave brought on a flurry of the above. The outbreaks were violent, ranging from extreme laryngitis, paroxysms of coughing, sinusitis, ear infections, Meniere’s symptoms, projectile vomiting and persistant diarrhea accompanied by intermittent...

Global Warming – Participate Intelligently

I am moved to be a great participant in changing the current tide of Global Warming.  I find it provides us with a universal cause with which we can actively connect to each other for a positive purpose. As the information about how to participate is being...

Homeopathic Medicine- Fabulous Choice!

I studied homeopathic medicine for several years because it was the medicine that worked the best for me personally. I love it because there are absolutely no side effects whatsoever, it is gentle, subtle in its effect, and when the accurate remedy and potency are...

Human Papiloma Virus

We recently are inundated with ads on TV for a new vaccine against HPV, and a new test for it which women are being urged to get at the same time that they get their pap smears. I sat with a 52 yr. old woman patient who died recently from cervical cancer caused by...

Why Is Organic Always The Right Choice?

There are increasing concerns about food safety and the fact that many processed foods are made from genetically modified products, irradiated foods, and non-organic food sources. Organically grown foods have been grown on land that is absent of any chemicals for a...