To Your Healthful Economics In the Coming Tide

To Your Healthful Economics In the Coming Tide

I recommend buying some gold and silver for “medicinal” as well as economic reasons. Throughout history precious metals have been used in medicine. Acupuncture, to this day, uses gold needles to stimulate and silver to sedate. Japan wraps candy in gold and...

A Chinese Medicine Approach To Sleep

Arianna knows her stuff! Thanks to the Huffington Post for elevating public awareness of our Art. An approach that can also aid in the quest for a good night’s sleep is that of Chinese Medicine. This ancient healing system has offered relief to the sleep...

Acupuncture Point for Mental Clarity

Feeling a little foggy? Having trouble concentrating? Massage the acupuncture point, Du 20 for some mental clarity. Du 20 is located on the top of the head, midway between the ears. It is used to clear the mind and improve focus. Stimulate the point with your index...