Gluten: What you don't know might kill you

I saw this new article posted at The Huffington Post today. It’s called Gluten: What you don’t know might kill you. Something you’re eating may be killing you, and you probably don’t even know it! If you eat cheeseburgers or French fries all...

Recharge Your Battery this Winter with Acupuncture

If you feel tired and drained, you are not alone. “Lack of energy” is one of the top five complaints that doctors hear in their offices. According to Oriental medicine, the cold months of winter are the perfect time to recharge your battery and generate...

Natural Options for the Flu

Did you know that tamiflu, a drug used to treat flu symptoms, is derived from star anise, an anti-viral plant that has been used by Oriental medicine herbalists for centuries? When it comes to staying healthy during the flu season, Oriental medicine has a lot to...