Human Papillomavirus on a man

This video shows the amazing results of Human Papillomavirus on the surface of the skin of a man. One of my friends just returned from China, where she says she saw a man with “cauliflower feet”. The same phenomenon as above in another...


I have been writing a second book of the challenge to maintain health in the USA. Both physically and socially there are continuous obstacles to pursuing a pristinely healthy lifestyle. I ran into a great explanation of how our food is so nutrition deprived and...

Air Filters- My Picks

In choosing the air filter that I will live with, one that will give me clean, healthy air in my home, even during a “State of Emergency”, I discovered several things.  I tried a Hepa filter that I ran out and bought at Home Depot.  It did nothing to abate...

Breathing the California Fires

Today it is 97 degrees, the fires have been burning for several days, and we have all filled our lungs with the smoke until it is something we can feel. I waken each morning with a sore throat, take my Air Armor, and wait to feel more normal Today the normal...