Dr. Pamela Maloney is an approved Continuing Education and Distance Learning provider by the
California Acupuncture Board, provider #1076.
All courses can be read by anyone, any place and with any computer at your own convenience.
Male Sexual Evolution: Ancient Taoist Theory to Modern Acupuncture Applications & Research
Price: $117.00
4 CE credits
Digital Format
Approved by California Acupuncture Board
Provider #1076
This course provides the student with the information of Ancient Taoist Sexual practices, including multiple orgasm for him, taught by Mantak Chia.
Recent research on male sexuality is included, along with recommended Acupuncture or Acupressure support.
You will learn how to teach patients to evolve towards more and more full body orgasms in long periods between ejaculations.
This is a modern comprehensive work that will update the practitioner to the most recent and most ancient Asian practices to become a fulfilled and informed Acupuncturist personally and for their patients.
This course incorporates videos, presented in a beautiful, graphic format with anatomy pictures, PowerPoint, and voice-over by Pamela Maloney, PhD, DHM, LAc, DiplOM. All slides of anatomy are compiled from the teachings of Mantak Chia and many research articles. The final assessment will be determined by a short multiple-choice exam.
Students will upgrade and expand his existing knowledge and practice for support of himself and patients. There are many health results referred to and acknowledged with evidence.
This is a good, solid, substantive course for licensed Acupuncturists to support patients in their overall sexual evolution, health and general overall Constitutional health based upon Ancient Taoist traditions and Modern adaptations and research.
Female Sexual Evolution: Ancient Taoist Theory to Modern Acupuncture Applications & Research
Price: $117.00
4 CE credits
Digital Format
Approved by California Acupuncture Board
Provider #1076
This course provides the student with the information of Ancient Taoist Sexual practices, including multiple orgasm for her, taught by Mantak Chia. It is corroborated by modern research that there are 4 orgasmic locations and one or more can experience orgasm separately or in unison. Recent research on female sexuality is included, along with recommended Acupuncture or Acuppressure support. The teacher Saida Desilets is teaching the Jade Egg practice originated with the Taoist practices for females. Her work is included and referred to.
This is a modern comprehensive work that will update the female practitioner to the most recent and most ancient Asian practices to become a fulfilled and informed Acupuncturist personally and for her patients. All slides of anatomy are compiled from the teachings of Mantak Chia, Saida Desilets and many research articles. The student will upgrade and expand her existing knowledge and practice for support of herself and patients. There are many health results referred to and acknowledged with evidence. This is a good, solid, substantive course for licensed Acupuncturists to support patients in their overall sexual evolution, health and general overall Constitutional health based upon Ancient Taoist traditions and Modern adaptations and research.
Acute Injury: Structural Integration + Homeopathic Medicine to Support Acupuncture
Price: $147.00
6 CE credits
Digital Format
Approved by California Acupuncture Board
Provider #1076
Acute Injury Treatment$147.00
This course will teach the principles and applications of Structural Integration in supporting Acupuncture treatment for Acute Injury.
The most common Acute Injuries that come for Acupuncture is Auto Accidents. These need to wait until the injury is healed enough to receive pressure, usually 6 weeks, to tolerate the Structural Integration techniques of disengaging scar tissue adhesions and reflex spasms in the structure creating a “body cast” for healing the torn areas.
The students will learn this differentiation for the knowledge of when the Structural Integration will speed up the healing and support the alignment of the structure so as to heal in alignment. This alignment will support the patient to move into his/her normal life activities with out pain or reflex spasms.
Structural Integration is the best way to accomplish complete and total healing in combination with Acupuncture supporting the Constitution and pain levels. A powerful combination that will get the licensed Acupuncturist the most evolved and functional results in the shortest amount of time.
Acute Injury Treatment$147.00
Rehabilitative Cosmetic Acupuncture: Acute Injury and Post-Operative
Scar Tissue Reduction and Hemiplegia Treatment
Price: $147.00
6 CE credits
Digital Format
Approved by California Acupuncture Board
Provider #1076
The students will learn to minimize, reduce and eliminate scars of all kinds using acupuncture needles alone. They will learn to treat keloid and thin scars, odd shapes and linear, raised and inverted. They will learn to decide the difference between “weaving” the needles and threading them the scars, what results they can achieve with both and either. The presentation of Hemiplegia will allow the student to decide what is the cause and the differences stroke, Bell’s Palsy, Myesthenia Gravis, and simple paralysis as these are treated with guided electrical stimulation of the affected nerve endings and muscles related.

Connective Tissue Anatomy: Where the Qi (Chi) Flows
Price: $120.00
Digital Format
5 CE credits
Approved by California Acupuncture Board. Provider #1076
The course studies the geography and makeup of this fascinating tissue that envelopes the human body. The film provides in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms of the flow of Qi (pronounced Chi) through anatomy pictures of connective tissue anatomy and a narrated Powerpoint presentation. This course also incorporates useful study guides for reference. Students will be asked to demonstrate a complete academic understanding of geography of connective tissue, different textures of connective tissue, and its composition in the form of a short multiple choice exam.

Anatomy of Movement in the Flow of Qi (Chi)
Price: $250.00
Digital Format
12 CE credits
Approved by California Acupuncture Board. Provider #1076
Anatomy of Movement in the Flow of Qi (Chi) is a comprehensive, fundamental course of both classical and cutting edge study of the Essential Fundamentals of Kinesiology and Movement Behavior Analysis Protocol. This course incorporates videos, presented in a beautiful, graphic format with anatomy pictures, powerpoint, and voiceover by Dr. Maloney and study guides for reference. The final assessment will be determined by a short multiple choice exam.

Structural Integration in the Flow of Qi (Chi) Package – Phases 1-3
Price: $499.00
Digital Format
28 CE credits
Approved by California Acupuncture Board. Provider #1076
This home study course, Structural Integration in the Flow of Qi (Chi), teaches new techniques as a bodyworker in three phases, which can be taken individually or as a package as listed above.