So many patients come to me for pain erasure.  Most wait to seek treatment until the pain is so bad that they are disabled by it.  There are many approaches to take to minimize or eliminate pain depending upon the cause of it. In Western Medicine pain is defined as:...

Summer Colds, Flu, Allergies Lingering

This summer heatwave brought on a flurry of the above. The outbreaks were violent, ranging from extreme laryngitis, paroxysms of coughing, sinusitis, ear infections, Meniere’s symptoms, projectile vomiting and persistant diarrhea accompanied by intermittent...

I Am Thankful!!!!!!

As I emailed personal thanks to my friends, relatives, colleagues and patients who have given me so much support for my development both professionally and personally I found myself moved to write about how grateful I am for that development. My personal journey to be...